Back and STILL bored!
Ahhh...back in Cebu. I now love old Negros. The trip wasn't exactly "fantabulous", but then again, everything is subjective and relative, right? For some people, Negros is THE place to be...but for some who are like me who need smog, city lights, and the sound of honking traffic during rush hour on weekdays to feel "alive" (although, I believe we are a minority in this oh-so-hectic world of ours), it's borderline "so so". BUT (and it's a big one), in my little "retreat" (if you may), I have discovered sooo much about myself that I never expected. I was surprised on how quickly I fell inlove with the stillness of everything, the serenity of nature...the cheap commodities (oops)...uh, I think I better stop.
But more importantly, this trip has made me decide that all the trips I've taken before --every single place I've ever been to in the world, will no longer count in my "Book of Destinations". It's a chance for me to start anew, to see the world in a different, and more matured light. More attention to detail, and savoring more the travel experience, compared to my usual idon'tcare phase of yore--since I used to see travelling as a chore, rather than a pleasurable experience (because my parents dragged me practically everywhere before!). God, I was such a brat! Wait...I still am, really, but much much better compared to then.:) Oh my, I really AM getting old!!! Tsk!
But seriously, the people have inspired me in a way I didn't expect. Well, most of them, at least. I admire how they take things in stride, how content they are (and THAT is anything but easy in this material world!) with what little they have, and how much they love their homeland. I found out no matter where they end up in the world --and I'm talking bigtime fabulous places all over the US and Europe here--, they always go back to Negros (and build a small farm for their retirement). It's a love affair the rest of us probably don't/can't/won't understand, but for them, nothing could be more perfect. *tear drops from left eye...* Damn, Negros has made me into a softie...Grrr
Oh well, it's all good...afterall, I got great photos *hahaha shallowallow!* No matter how much of a jaded urbanite you are, don't you lie to yourself and say you won't well up in tears when you see these photos...:P I didn't *liar liar*
On the way home...
Here's a tear-jerker for y'all...ain't it purrrty? It's a different view of Cebu
from Negros, of course
I love this fishing boat...
This is the most popular way to get to Negros to Cebu...mainly because it's the cheapest. :)

What better way to say our goodbyes to Negros but with a rainbow?;) --ugh, I really have turned soft...
What better way to say our goodbyes to Negros but with a rainbow?;) --ugh, I really have turned soft...
...for now. ;)
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