More photos of Dumaguete City
This is the Silliman University's...I don't know, Heritage Hall? Millenium Hall? Or some Museum-y sounding name. I don't care, I think it's pretty...:)

Craving for some Chinese, we ended up here...
Apparently, this is the only Chinese restaurant in Dumaguete--or so we were told (aside from Chowking of course, but hey, we can have 24 hr crappy Chowking delivery anytime, anywhere in this no thanks)
It was pretty ok. We stayed at their Al Fresco area. At first, there were a couple of flies at our table, but eventually the wind picked up from the bay area (since it's right across the Boulevard), and it was "bye2x flies!!". It was relatively good. The food was great and ohhhh sooo CHEAP! Around $11, and we were stuffed like little (?) piglets!! And we are such big eaters, we're a little below the level of wild boar.
The service was "ok". Would you believe, the waiter was white! With grey eyes! His English was bad, but hey, what the hell..:) He's probably 'half". There's a lot of them in Dumaguete. A lot of European and American Expats. And a wholllleeee lottttt of hot pink/bright orange/lime green combo-wearing hookers.;) And guess what? I think Chin Loong's one of their favorite spots.;) Hihihi.
This is a BAR. A bar? Sigh. I don't want to be mean, coz the owner's probably a nice person, so I'll just shut up.:) We didn't bother to go inside. Would you?:)
Your photos of the Boulevard are quite wonderful. Cebu and Siquijor were easily visible those particular days. Next time, I need to get a lot more photos.
Thanks for sharing these!
*awwwww* Thank you very much Corey!! It really is a great place. I'm actually thinking of going back to Negros soon. I haven't been to Siquijor yet...funny thing is, I'm not "allowed" to. I still don't know why, really...
Not allowed in Siquijor? I think it would be quite interesting myself. The talk of potions and spell casting is perhaps a bit exaggerated. Oh, I know such things probably do exist on the island, but the culture there has to be even more exotic than the Philippines in general...especially to someone like me from the U.S.
Yeah, I know! They really are quite exaggerated. But I guess it's really more for uhm..."security" reasons, as to why I'm "not allowed". But day, I WILL! ;) And I'll yak about it non-stop! :D
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