Friday, August 04, 2006

Fuck China-made batteries!

I know I said I'd be on blog hiatus 12 hours ago...but I am pissed, and I don't know what else to do. I'm in some hotel using their internet services, and I am pissed. Public internet services are great, but I'm just not comfortable typing away my worries on some corduroy couch and goo on the floor. 3-star hotel my ass!!!
So it's my dad's birthday today. Well, technically, on Philippine time, it was yesterday, but he's somewhere West, so it's August 3 there. He called, and the battery on my mobile died on me in the middle of our almost-sentimental chitchat. And I fucking fully-charged it and used my other phone just so not a single drop of energy would be used up on that phone! Puta!
I have communication issues with my dad. Growing up, I've always thought he was just some friend of the family. No, my parents aren't divorced/annulled/separated. Ok, technically, they are separated...since they've never lived under the same roof since they were married. It's complicated. Fuck the details on WHY and HOW.
So those bi-monthly or quarterly phonecalls really mean a lot to me...eventhough I'm quite good at hiding my emotions. It's has been a great training module for acting. I sound like it's nothing, and so does he. It's always been like that, and I'm totally cool with it. I just DO NOT LIKE FUCKING MADE-IN-CHINA BATTERIES!
I bought that fucking battery when I was desperate for extra batteries at some other trip, and I've been using it for like 3 months now. It was working perfectly fine then, but just had to act up on my dad's birthday. on the ONE birthday that he decides to contact me.
I think he felt that I hung up on him. He knows me well enough to know I never leave the house --much less go on some trip, without a fully-charged mobile phone and camera. Good thing he sent me an SMS first before calling, because I got his mobile number. So I changed the SIM card to my actual phone (the one that died was my "extra" phone which I carry around just for his calls) and called him back, and he already turned his phone off...
My day is fucked, and it's still 1:24PM. And it started to look bleak as early as 4:15AM when I didn't want to get out of bed.
Note to self: Never again buy poorly-packaged, strangely-light, wrongfully-stamped, Made in China batteries EVER again.
Edit: Ok, maybe I still will, but I'll never use it on my "JustforDaddy'scallsSIMcard".

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