A disappointing "bang"...
Wall Street Journal reports that Paramount Pictures has recently just ended their 14-year relationship with Tom Cruise's production company. Why? How the hell should I know? I'm a nobody, and every being in this universe (aliens, included) knows him.
I'll pick out two outfits, one which is disgusting and one nice and I'll ask my
'friend' what they think. If they go for the revolting one, I cut them out of my
life. --Paris Hilton
On the other side of the gene pool...
Nicky Hilton has previewed her Nicky O South Beach Hotel, complete with candy-pink cardboard proposals to the investors. You would think she could afford to actually hire some high school dropout to at least whip up a PowerPoint presentation. But no, she's special. And she's smart. And she's got skills. And she want to prove to the world that she's more than just...that (or simply normal).
Sigh...lesser evil, I guess.
US Weekly reports Britney Spears blatantly insulted Jessica Simpson after politely saying, "HELL NO!" when JS asked if she could kiss BS' bump.
Ahh...having a net-worth of a gazillion dollars really doesn't insure you class and finesse, does it? ;) All the Vuitton in the world won't make her look any less of the trailertrash she's (apparently) always been.
I lurve showbiz. ;) There's always something nasty to expect. ;) It helps make the world go round, the world go round, lalalala.
On Philippine economy...
Last Friday, there was a rollback on gas prices. 1-peso rollback on all fuel products. Great, does that mean we can now all forget the 8-peso price increase since January this year? I don't even want to talk anymore...Forget bragging about your car. We might as well just start bragging we can actually afford gas, period!
On Philippine politics...
You've read the paper, you've heard the news (over, and over again)...it still sucks. 'nuff said.
On updating blog posts...
I just want to enjoy my night and forget I lost the chargers to my phone and my camera. Not to mention that thing you plug in to your USB port to upload photos. But then again, the reason I even posted anything tonight was to forget that little detail.
Nevertheless, I have more things to be happy about. At least I still have a cameraphone. And I have an unlimited supply of Yakult, soy milk and caramel puffs.
Here's Cebu for you all... I really don't know about this last photo. Because I can. And I'm woozy...and unhappy.
Same old, same old...
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