Lusting for Hermes...sneakers!
Yeah, yeah, everyone loves Hermes. Whoopdidoo...
Every woman should have either a Birkin, or a Kelly --preferably both (hooray for the tai tais!)...or at least a scarf (if unblessed with a kickass trustfund or a generous and tolerating husband) or a twilly *ahem...see? I am special! boink*! ;)
I would cut out my tongue and give up smoking for...a week ;) if the one who said that was a MAN. Only a woman would dare justify Hermes as essential to life as air and water. *grin*
I, personally, can live without any of the mentioned above. But lord would I kill --without remorse, for a pair of these babies...
Hermes White Leather "Loop" Boots $520
Hermes White Leather "Kick" Sneakers $552

They both retail for about US$600+...but well, it's Bluefly.
Roughly converted to PhP 30,000+. Damn, I need to make some!
I have a penchant for sneakers...because I waddle like a pregnant trannie when in heels. And like a dinosaur on PMS in 4-inch stilettos. Besides, my youth serum is drying up fast...I need to exploit it as much as I can before I wake up one morning realizing I'm already 30, and it's no longer cute. I'll have plenty of time to learn how to look human in heels by then.
These babies are just purrrfect. The white, the H-orange, the punched CC would say, ahlaveit!!
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