Monday, August 21, 2006

Needs vs. needs...huh??

Remember my spoiledmaterialbitchfit on those Paul Smiths that I wanted? Apparently, the Mini Cooper's the only one sold out. The Triumph still has ONE item left. And just to add to my incredible predicament...I saw this on sale.

Paul Smith Mini Car Toiletry Case marked down from $115 to $90 --around PhP 4,600.

The drop isn't exactly massive, but hey, a discount is a discount. ;) And to be honest, as broke as I am, I'm still willing to shell out even three times the original price for this piece. Why, because I'm an idiot.

That's the thing though...after the Mini Cooper messenger got sold out, then they feature this? Unfortunately, even without the matching bag, I still want this...badly. To the point of categorizing it as a necessity, rather than branding it as "a reward" for all the stress I've been getting lately. And I don't even work! One can only imagine how far my mental deterioration will go when and if I actually find something productive to do with my life. Haha.

In short, I NEED THIS...and everything else that has jumped from my list of "wants" to my now-so-long list of priorities.

Amazing how easily we can decide on the most ridiculously shallow things...but ahh, we are afterall, only human. ;)

So now the dilemma is, which ones to eliminate to make space on my horrid list of priorities?

Ahh...cross out:

  • "NEW FRIDGE"? --there's always that big old Coleman trunk of an outdoor cooler.
  • what about "NEW MICROWAVE"? --I'll make do with my rusty old oven toaster. Afterall, I mainly just use it for popcorn.
  • and "REAL STOVE"? --my portable camping burner will do just fine for another year, or so...besides, I can't cook even if my life depended on it.

These are only three examples on my list. They're not so important, right? Well, they are under the "needs" box...but I already said that about the Paul Smith pouch. If I remember right, I even told CP that it's so important, it's more important than water...and enumerated all the things I could use it for. Half of which, I didn't even believe. And every single excuse, spontaneously made-up.

Come to think of it, if I eliminate all three items listed above, I could only afford two items in exchange --a pouch, and a pair of shoes that I also put under "PRIORITY A".

So it's: a new fridge, microwave, and stove vs. a pouch, and a pair of sneakers...

Sigh...decisions, decisions.

Wait, I think I could actually pull this off. I'll buy the pouch, and the sneakers, then just steal a fridge, a microwave oven, and a gas stove from my mother's house. Haha.

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