Three-week hiatus
I'm leaving in 5 hours to ____ for three weeks, and I still haven't packed. :) You all know how responsible I am. ;) Besides, give me a break, I'm a fuss-free packer. If I could jump on a plane with just my wallet and keys, I would. I hate packing. My dad calls me "the feather-packer" because of the known fact I'm too lazy to even pack essentials (i.e. toothbrush, underwear, blah). Surrrrreeee Dad, like I didn't get that from you? *wink wink*
Enough packing talk, pakingshit. Hihihi. Besides, where I'm going, I wouldn't need nice clothes or shoes. Hell, where I'm going I could probably just wear the same clothes and not wash my hair until the day I come back home. *shudder* Okkkk...that's nasty, I can't do that. I'm no BB...or CP!! Haha.
So with that said people, I will be on blogging hiatus for probably three weeks for what I could only wish to be a "vacation", so don't go sending me emails of "oooooohhh"s and "ahhhhhh"s on how YOU wished you were in MY soon-to-be-filled-with-shit-and-mud shoes (you know who you are :) ). It's barely even a "trip", come to think of it. And why I am going, is beyond me...especially since I was the one who planned and decided to go in the first place. Fuck. Me and my great decisions.
But DO email me still, and send me those photos of endless partying and luxe living, because I'll be needing all the love I could get in the hellhole I'll be going to... CAMWHORE, PEOPLE, CAMWHORE!!!
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