Motorcycle dragracing hell in Tanjay City
We got to Tanjay around 9PM, way too tired for words, and were at a family friend's old building. *freeloading alert once again :)* We were like, this is nice, staying at a "nice, quiet city like Tanjay"...NOT. The place we were staying at was situated right when you enter the "city proper"--along the National Highway. And of all the time we could come visit, we just had to arrive a night before their big annual motorcycle dragracing thing. about luck!
We slept around 4 freakin' AM coz there were all these groups and groups of people outside (on National Highway!!!) screaming their lungs out while the rest of the "riders" were practicing and beating their time, I guess...I don't know. Whatever it was they were doing, they sure as hell weren't singing me a lullaby to sleep!!! For crying out loud, the last thing these people knew how to do was think of the rest of the city trying their best to sleep at such an ungodly hour. Surprisingly enough, nobody complained. Hell, even I didn't. I was wayy too scared. And I'm trying to make up for my loss of balls then by raging about it now.;) *scaredy cat*
So as if things weren't bad enough, the owner of the building woke us up at like 6AM informing us that the organizers for the "race" *pfft...whatever* were closing the (again) National Highway. (--sigh, fine, these people probably own the city) And our car was still parked along the road--the only place one could ever park, may I just add! They were implying it was OUR fault why we were still parked there. Hey, nobody told us, ok? And closing an entire quarter mile of the NATIONAL HIGHWAY and detouring all of the vehicles to some other road just so you guys could hold your whatever doesn't really happen everyday and everywhere else, so give us a break! we moved the car. Afterall, it was a legit event. It was even organized by the local city government and shit...can't argue with that. The last thing I need is some politician breathing down my spine for my "disobedience and contempt" *pffffttt*. Fine. Whatever. Kill me if you can. I could care less. My life's already fucked up as it is, and those guys weren't exactly making me feel any better.

(I could just write some fib that I was part of the race, but no thank you..) ;)
After moving the car like an entire kilometer up north, we WALKED all the way back to the place we were staying (I knew we should've just gone to a hotel...nah, I'm too cheap for that) to shower, brush our teeth, eat, etc... We ended up getting stuck inside the WHOLE DAY coz well, they closed the freakin road until sundown.
Surprisingly enough, we had fun watching the event from our view...
We had soooooooo much fun when one the guys hosting the event (whom we later found out to be one of the city councilors --woohoo! you go baby!) was SCREAMING NON-STOP from AM to PM!!! It was hilarious!! Apparently, there was a fistfight, a dog crossing the road in the middle of the ruckuss, and all these magpies screaming their tails off to the riders of their choice. He was raging mad...and I mean beyond boiling point!:) You could literally see his temples throbbing and the nerves on his neck tightening latex-like. Hehe. Poor boy (he's quite young, actually) was a mess! He was getting so frustrated coz all the riders would get a "badstart" and were concentrating more so on NOT sidesweeping those damn people, rather than focus on the race itself. Hahaha. The crowd wouldn't listen to a word that he said and insisted they weren't stepping on the line. But note: they were ATOP the piles of tires on the roadside...y'know, to cushion the motorcycles incase they fall, or whatever. You're smart enough not to read my nasty explanations when it comes to anything technical.:) All I do know is after years and years of going to all types of events, I've never seen a more insolent, disobedient, inconsiderate, hot-tempered, and (still) hilarious crowd than THIS ↓ !!:)
Lookie look how loooonnnnggg that line of people is! And every single one of them was giving hell to the the organizers, riders, and the rest of their crew...Hahaha.
And in the end, even though this whole brouhaha and I started on the wrong foot...I actually ended up having a lot of fun. But it never would've happened if not for my now-beloved RC --the screaming young city councilor who was really the ONLY source of MY entertainment during that whole fucked-up day. Because of him, I even agreed to FP's crazy idea of climbing up the roof of that old building to watch everything that was going on. I took my lazy ass up that rusty old roof, took pictures, enjoyed the view, climbed back down, and screamed to heaven high when I saw the redlead on my brand new overpriced shorts. :) I scrubbed my legs for half an hour or so, and finally ended my woes with a nice cup of coffee, ciggies, with FP and I laughing coz the rain had poured down and all those dumbass people downstairs were running towards every direction possible like a cattle of mad cow. Pushing, shoving, and RC screaming at the background still...:)
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